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Login as Root in Ubuntu 13.04

10:15 PM Unknown 0 Comments Category :

Root account is an account who has power over the system.

Login as root / administrator account is not recommended, because people make mistakes. It’s easier to exploit human than machine. Making smallest mistakes while logging in as root can completely render your computer useless (or at least inoperable). Even though it’s not recommended, it’s still possible to logon as root on Ubuntu.

This article will discuss about how to enable root login on Ubuntu 13.04.
To enable root account, press CTRL + ALT + T or open terminal and run following command:

1. sudo passwd root

That command will set password for root account. You should enter new password twice (the last one for confirmation).

After that, you need to configure DM (Desktop Manager) to allow login as root account in the Login Screen. By default, Ubuntu 13.04 use LightDM. To configure, edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and add following line:

 you can invoke this at command line (make sure you type correctly):

2. echo 'greeter-show-manual-login=true' >> /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
Next time you login, you should enter the account name and its password.

So enter root as your username and the password you set before in step first.

To disable root account, run this command:

3. sudo passwod -l root
